I liked this documentary series a lot but where I think it went wrong was that it was looking at the wrong reasons WHY Aaron was a killer.
Sup Doc Featured on Splitsider!
- November 9, 2017
- Tagged as: A Documentary Podcast, blog, comedy, Dana Gould, documentaries, documentary, funny, George Chen, Metallica, Paco Romane, podcast, Press, publication, Some Kind Of Monster, Splisider, Sup Doc A Documentary Film Podcast, Sup Doc Podcast, Sup Doc Press, web, website, Will Scovill
The cool comedy news website Splitsider featured us in their comedy podcast roundup with a sweet write up about Ep 73 Some Kind Of Monster with comedian Dana Gould! The comedy podcast universe is ever expanding,…
News for Herzog and Ebert fans! Chaz Ebert announced the publication of a book collecting the legendary film critic’s essays on Herzog films and transcripts of interviews. The two men had massive respect for each…